Wild & Beautiful Women (Skin+Body+Wellness)

SUICIDE IS NOT THE ANSWER! I know, I have been there too! We need to talk about it.

September 20, 2021 Marie Finger Season 1 Episode 5

September is National Suicide Prevention Month. 
If you or a family member needs help this podcast may be a great resource. I felt thoughts of suicide on and off for many years but I am here and I am talking about it. Suicided needs to be discussed and not judged! Genetic Neurotransmitters may not be giving you what you need to overcome depression, anxiety and more... 

If you are thinking of ending your own life there is help, there are answers and you will get through these terrible feelings of hopelessness. The suicide help line is 800-273-TALK (8255) I am sharing my story about my previous thoughts of suicide, suicide statistics and overcoming the stigma that prevents us from talking about suicide. 

I will share information that may be helpful in understanding why someone cannot overcome depression, anxiety and those hopeless thoughts that no-one deserves to feel. 

Suicide is the 10th largest cause of death in the United States, and the 2nd largest cause of death among those aged 10-34. Further - Nearly 46% of individuals who commit suicide had previously been diagnosed with a mental health condition. 

Genetic factors that play a role in the imbalance of inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters can lead to issues with mood, focus, sleep, and anxiety. Maintaining a balance in neurotransmitters is essential for emotional regulation, focus, restful sleep, the growth and survival of neurons, and proper autophagy and detoxification.