Wild & Beautiful Women (Skin+Body+Wellness)

Evidence based nutrition through Nutrigenomic Testing

Marie Finger Season 1 Episode 4

I was very sick with chronic pain, fatigue and other health symptoms for over 13 years and it wasn't until I found out about Nutrigenomics that I was able to start a nutritional path to healing based on my genes and genetic weaknesses.

Understanding your genetic make up can be a very powerful way to stay on top of your health, especially if you are looking to do it naturally. In this episode I discuss what genes are tested,  why these particular genes are important and how understanding your genetic weaknesses  may slow the progression of age and age related health issues.

The science behind Nutrigenomics is growing. We can now understand without guessing what your body needs nutritionally to not only survive but thrive.

My health changed dramatically after I had Nutrigenomic testing and now I want to share what awesome information I have learned.

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